Roderick Alasdair CAMERON's Web Site Greetings! Please stay a while, and have a browse -
there are over
1500 pages of Science Fiction
and Family History.
Two of my
favourite obsessions.Rod Cameron
SCIENCE FICTION My objective is to provide a vehicle to publish any
of my reviews and thoughts
on the wonderful, most enjoyable genres of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror
and anything else that takes my fancy.
My "book log" is more
a reading list for my benefit than anyone else's
FAMILY HISTORY My objectives are:
* to publish the results of current
* to provide
a contact list for collateral lines
* to provide a
contact point for
missing / new cousins
* to make the family photos available to all, in particular, my Great Grandmother's
photo albums, and any other relevant photos out there
This section details
my family's pedigree.
I have now started to include Personal Pages behind the Family Group sheets.
These will be accessed by clicking on (P.P.) which will be after the
ancestors name if one exists - Patience! I have several thousand to post! My ancestors' surnames include:
If you find any mistakes, or can
add additional
information, please
get in
touch and I will make all necessary corrections asap.
If you think we are related, or would
like to comment about anything on
this site, please don't hesitate
to contact
me via e-mail at
Or else by snail mail to the same old address ...