| Also Robinson R000, Hooton U000, T000, S000, Q000, R000 & Batten
S000 updated |
17th February 2011 |
 | Library index updated | |
 | Book log - 2008 & 2009 archived as separate pages |
 | Barratt Q000, Edwards QA00, Godwin U000, Kerfoot S000 sheets rebuilt |
 | Fixed missing link between Robinson T000 & Birchall S000 |
 | Robinson Family:
Updated Census Information T000, S000, R000
Found Additional information on IGI for R000 including name of parents -
William ROBINSON & Esther RYLEY |
 | Cath's Who Am I Tree updated |
5th January 2011 |
 | Library index updated | |
 | Replacement of Site Meter code - it keeps disappearing :-(
Moved to the top of the page to make it more visible & less prone to
accidental deletion |
 | Book diary updated |
 | Hooton deaths corrected on U000 (Robert & Nicholas) - Thanks Joan! |
13th December 2010 |
 | Barratt SA05, QA02, QB06, PA02 sheets rebuilt | |
 | Site Server upgrade with www.easily.co.uk |
26th November 2010 |
 | Corrected parentage of James REID - FG Sheets Reid R000, S000, TA08
& Smith RA00 | |
 | Corrected parentage on my Who Am I page & reinstated SMITH link on
front page |
 | Inserted census details for REID family, where available |
 | Library index updated |
 | Book log updated |
 | Smith RA00 renamed to RA03 & QA00 created |
 | Top page adjusted slightly. Recommended websites added (SF & FH) |
18th November 2010 |
 | Van de Ghoor pages reposted | |
 | Library Index setup and partially entered |
 | Family of my sister-in-law Laraine EDWARDS-WILLIAMS posted |
 | Link for Denise for quick access! |
 | And fancy new photo on front page, taken @ my son's wedding in Strasbourg |
11th October 2010 |
 | More REGIS detail posted | |
 | More CAGE detail posted (Cage [U000] - married to Jane REID) -
Thanks Linds! |
 | Author Publication Lists upgraded to latest version. Publication
Lists inserted where they did not exist |
10th October 2010 |
 | FG Sheet Bannister [R000] added | |
 | Dark blue web pages with white font (MS Balance 0011) replaced with
Grey (MS Concrete 0011) |
 | Access to photos improved with a bespoke Family Group sheet giving
direct access for Cameron & Henderson families. From Index page & Album
introduction page |
21st September 2010 |
 | Book log updated & further pages split out | |
 | My Mother's details updated on Regis [UA01], Cameron [UA06] and
[VA06] |
 | Opened a FG Sheet for my immediate family, Cameron [WA01] including
my son's marriage |
 | Paternity of James REID [SA00] corrected by Alison Smith of Gene
Genie. Also changes to Who Am I page. Corrected REID family group sheets
to follow |
23rd September 2009 |
 | Corrections for Fred DAVIES on [V000] | |
10th October 2008 |
 | Details of Death of Jean CAMERON corrected on Cameron [UA05] | |
8th March 2008 |
 | Hyperlink (Return) to Bibliography pages inserted in old reviews | |
 | FG Sheets REGIS TA01 & T003 updated with 1901 census information |
 | HOOTON family group sheets back to Nicholas HOOTON [K000] |
 | Jan/Feb Book Diaries |
 | William SHEEDY's baptism details, & mother's maiden name |
 | additional GREIG information from Colin GREIG via Genes Reunited |
11th January 2008 |
 | MILNE census details (1891) | |
 | Magnus WATT's parents & siblings |
 | Updates to Reading Diary |
 | Belated Book Reviews from March & June 2007 |
6th July 2007 |
 | Information from Amada CLARK about the family of Peter REID [U007]
and Agnes STRACHAN. Welcome, cousin | |
 | Details of Jane REID / CAGE from Lindsay LLOYD |
 | Book reviews from January 2007 |
28th January 2007 |
 | Details for Kate HOOTON who passed away on Friday | |
19th January 2007 |
 | More info about William CAMERON T004 family | |
 | Just noticed the web counter is missing off the home page. Oooops |
12th January 2007 |
 | Changes to CORMACK V001 - Details for George CORMACK's wife as
detailed by Lyall CORMACK in email 12-Jan-07 | |
1th January 2007 |
 | Revised family for William CAMERON T004. Researched by my sister,
Lindsay Jane LLOYD - well done Linds! | |
 | Changes to CORMACK V001 - Death of William Donald CORMACK &
corrected details for his wife & children from email 11-Jan-07 |
5th December 2006 |
 | William CAMERON T004 marriage incorrect. Spouse details removed | |
 | Corrections and additions to CARROLL ancestry |
3rd December 2006 |
 | Finally, my wife's ancestry (some of it anyway - more to come...) | |
 | Restructured home page |
18th October 2006 |
 | Latest book reviews integrated | |
 | Latest books read |
28th September 2006 |
 | More changes to BARRATT SB02 + TB05 FG Sheets with information from Brenda GREEN | |
 | Latest books read |
10th September 2006 |
 | Changed Dave West's site links | |
 | Watt U005. Changes to cause of death for Ethel MORRIS. Grateful
thanks to Jane Cox for
e-mail |
 | Changes to BARRATT SB02 + TB05 FG Sheets with information from Brenda GREEN |
18th August 2006 |
 | Latest Book Reviews | |
 | Reference to new BARRATT cousin Margaret GREEN on Index page |
24th July 2006 |
 | More PALMER information from Brenda HAZEL. Moved access point | |
 | More CORMACK information from Bec CORMACK. Moved access point |
17th July 2006 |
 | Setup missing FG Sheet: Regis R000 | |
 | Setup missing FG Sheet: Castagno S000 |
 | Additional information on FG Sheet: Regis SA00 |
 | Additional information on FG Sheet: Palmer S000 |
 | Additional information from Sandra CORMACK (dated Sep-2000)
regarding the CORMACK family |
10th July 2006 |
 | Information on John D CAMERON - FG Sheet Cameron TA02 from Ian &
Anne DAUN, also death information from photo of Uncle Willie & Auntie
Maggie looking at MI | |
 | Additional information from Neil CAMERON |
 | Additional Cameron census info - generally 3 Gt Grandparent's FG
sheets |
 | Broken link to Milne T000 from Cameron U001 corrected - identified
by Roy at SEVENtwentyfour
[roybryant@seventwentyfour.com] |
 | Details for a new BARRATT cousin who has googled us - Brenda HAZEL |
9th June 2006 |
 | New photo front page, with two (Henderson & Cameron) Family Trees
attached for direct access to individual photos. Navigation is tricky.
to get back to the new index pages use the <BACK> button, otherwise you
will stay in the albums. | |
2nd June 2006 |
 | Book diary entries | |
 | This months book reviews |
 | Cameron Photos: Volume 1
- rest of supporting structure added
- missing backup pages behind photos added |
 | Cameron Photos: Volume 2
- missing photos posted
- supporting structure of pages set up
- backup pages behind photos added - navigation buttons inserted |
30th April 2006 |
 | Family information for Neil CAMERON's line from James CAMERON [U003] | |
25th April 2006 |
 | Rest of WATT information from Chris SEATON | |
 | More CAMERON census information |
 | Updates to SMOLLET, WATSON, HENDERSON & LAING lines from
Aberdeenshire Genealogy (Jim Mann Taylor)
www.phlomis.plus.com |
 | Finally posted Cameron P000 the earliest CAMRON information (so far) |
 | Some more books for the book log |
3rd April 2006 |
 | Some of the information from Chris SEATON re his CAMERON line (through Janet
CAMERON daughter of Donald CAMERON Blacksmith of Blairs Estate) | |
30th March 2006 |
 | 5 latest book reviews & link to
www.theucc.co.uk | |
 | Link for Pamela FORSYTH to her FG Sheet |
1st March 2006 |
 | Book Diary split into years - it was getting too long (taking too long
to load) | |
 | Eulogy for Elsie Stevens |
3rd February 2006 |
 | Latest book reviews | |
 | Some CAMERON census info |
24th January 2006 |
 | JERVIS FG Sheets (S, T & U) | |
17th January 2006 |
 | Update on DAUN FG Sheets from Iain DAUN | |
 | Corrected FG Sheet CLARK U000 |
 | FREEMAN FG Sheets |
10th January 2006 |
 | Final GREIG FG Sheets - that is all for now | |
 | Rest of CAMERON FG Sheets (for now). Anyone have any missing
information? |
 | Link for Sandra CORMACK to her FG Sheet |
 | Revised Front page |
31st December 2005 |
 | Book Diary updated | |
 | Change to message on front page |
 | Copyright date updated |
 | More names on Tree Bottoms |
 | More GREIG FG Sheets |
25th December 2005 |
 | Front page modified to include site objectives | |
 | ... and seasonal greetings |
 | More GREIG FG Sheets |
14th December 2005 |
 | Occupation for Peter HENDERSON [SA01] | |
 | Stan BARRATTs e-mail address on Direct Access page |
 | Links to latest book reviews |
 | Revised GREIG [SA01] |
 | Additional GREIG details |
 | Revised FG Sheet structure (GREIG [RA02]) |
7th December 2005 |
 | Possible 9th Birth on Thomas Barratt [RA05] - Sarah BARRATT
according to Stan BARRATT | |
 | Link for Reg Godwin on Direct Access page |
7th December 2005 |
 | Corrected bad hyperlink on Jervis on front page | |
 | FG Sheets renumbered to include Line character: Number is abnn
a is generation character
b is line character where
A is my line
0 (zero) is unassigned
B - Z are other lines
nn is numeric birth position in family, where
00 is unknown birth position
01 is first born, etc |
 | More Barratt FG Sheets. Complete so far... |
 | Direct access page for other family members not in
direct line |
 | Link for Chris Seaton |
30th November 2005 |
 | Details of Janet Cameron from Chris Seaton | |
 | More of Barratt FG Sheets |
 | Van de Ghoor e-mail address |
24th November 2005 |
 | More of Barratt FG Sheets | |
 | Neil Cameron's details |
23rd November 2005 |
 | Minor additions / changes to bmds | |
 | link to mypritchardfamily.co.uk |
22nd November 2005 |
 | Minor additions / changes to bmds | |
 | link to www.mygodwins.com |
22nd November 2005 |
 | Family Group Sheets reflecting full network of family worldwide -
phase 1 deployment | |
 | Revised front page - direct access to Family group sheets |
 | September 2005 & November 2005 Book reviews inserted |
 | Who Am I screen upgraded to linked set of Family Group sheets |
 | Henderson & Regis pages deleted - replaced by FG Sheets |
14th November 2005 |
 | Blog updated | |
 | Family History - more detail |
 | Changes / research undertaken since last posting |
20th January 2004 (never posted - combined with Nov 2005) |
 | Revised front page | |
 | New Greig Cousin thanks to Google, hence more Greig data |
 | General changes over site |
 | Further additions to the book diary (blog) - links & reviews to follow |
20th October 2003 (never posted - combined with Nov 2005) |
 | Further additions to the book diary | |
27th January 2003 |
 | Additions to book diary - I was ill over Christmas, hence I managed to
catch up a bit! And some more reviews | |
 | More Farscape episodes. The series keeps on getting better and
better. What a shame it has been canned. |
11th November 2002 |
 | Science Fiction site laid out :
Book diary, Reviewed authors page, a large proportion of my book
reviews for the last two years
But no back buttons - Doh! | |
 | Changes to Who Am I!
Isn't the 1901 census wonderful. Gt Gt
Grandfather Christopher Barratt wasn't born in Staffordshire. He was a
different Christopher born in Northamptonshire with a different
wife. We never found him before because his son was in India in 1881 |
6th May 2002 |
 | Update to Front Page | |
 | Structure of the second album laid out |
 | Some photos from the 2nd album, sorry no backs or notes yet |
 | Most wanted page updated |
30th January 2002 |
 | Links page | |
 | Most wanted page |
6th January 2002 |
 | Christening dates for John & Sandy Henderson (Mary's Family Page updated) | |
 | Revised year of birth for Elizabeth & Sandy Henderson (photo
pages changed accordingly) |
 | Death dates for Peter & Matilda (my grandparents) - thanks to
Wilma MacGregor |
 | Partial REGIS Family Tree information |
5th January 2002 |
 | Update to Front Page | |
 | Changes to Family History Front Page |
 | Most wanted page |
 | REGIS Page |
14th December 2001 |
 | 1-18 renamed, 1-40 posted | |
3rd December 2001 |
 | More book reviews posted | |
29th November 2001 |
 | 2 Book reviews from Sep-2000 | |
 | The site meter fixed |
22nd November 2001 |
 | 1-08 & Page 4 renamed on advice from Ian Daun | |
 | Also 1-17 & Page 9 renamed |
 | Also 1-20 & Page 10 redated |
 | Notes written on 1-37 to 1-39 |
 | Attempt to get rid of /web 'problem' |
17th November 2001 |
 | Website first published. 1-1 to 1-36 identified | |
 | Notes on first 36 photos only |
Copyright : Roderick Alasdair Cameron 2001 - 2011
Copyright : Roderick Alasdair Cameron 2001 - 2015