Book Diary for 2004

Author Title Date Read Genre
Other Entries: Earlier, 2000 / 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
P.S.Publishing Postscripts #2 (Summer 2004) Dec-2004 *Short Story Magazine
Neal Asher The Skinner Nov-2004 SF - Violent Alien Life-forms
Jacqueline Carey Kushiel's Chosen - Kushiel #2 Oct-2004 Fantasy - Erotic Europeanesq Medieval series
Jacqueline Carey Kushiel's Dart - Kushiel #1 Sep-2004 Fantasy - Erotic Europeanesq Medieval series
P.S.Publishing Postscripts #1 (Spring 2004) Aug-2004 *Short Story Magazine
Elizabeth Peters Lion in the Valley - Amelia Peabody #4 Aug-2004 Crime - Victorian, Egyptian Murder Mystery series
Elizabeth Peters The Mummy Case - Amelia Peabody #3 Aug-2004 Crime - Victorian, Egyptian Murder Mystery series
Elizabeth Peters The Curse of the Pharaohs - Amelia Peabody #2 Aug-2004 Crime - Victorian, Egyptian Murder Mystery series
Elizabeth Peters Crocodile on the Sandbank - Amelia Peabody #1 Aug-2004 Crime - Victorian, Egyptian Murder Mystery series
J.K.Rowling Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - HP #5 Jul-2004 *Fantasy - Juvenile Magic School series
Stephen Baxter Moonseed Jul-2004 SF - ...
Michael Marshall Smith Spares Jul-2004 SF - Clones, Future shociety (stet), but not cyberpunk
Michael Marshall Smith Only Forward Jun-2004 SF - (Sur)Reality / Dreams
James Barclay Dawnthief Jun-2004 Fantasy - ...
Greg Bear Eternity - Eon #2 May-2004 SF - ...
Jon Courtenay Grimwood Lucifer's Dragon Apr-2004 SF - ...
Jon Courtenay Grimwood Felaheen - The Third Arabesk Mar-2004 SF - Murder, Alternate History Sequel
Jon Courtenay Grimwood Effendi - The Second Arabesk Mar-2004 SF - Murder, Alternate History Sequel
Jon Courtenay Grimwood Pashazade - The First Arabesk Mar-2004 SF - Murder, Alternate History
Steve Cockayne The Seagull Drovers - Legends of the Land #3 Mar-2004 Fantasy - ...
Greg Bear Eon - #1 Feb-2004 SF - ...
David Pogue, Craig Zacker & L.J.Zacker Windows XP Pro - The Missing Manual Jan-2004 Non-F - Guide to Windows XP Pro
  Dummies Guide to Frontpage 2003 Jan-2004 Non-F - Guide to Frontpage 2003
Marc Abrahams Ignobel Prizes Jan-2004 Non-F - Celebrating bizarre / weird scientific research
Iain Banks Raw Spirit - The Search for the Perfect Dram Jan-2004 Non-F - Touring Scotland & Malt Whisky
Alfred Bester & Roger Zelazny Psychoshop Jan-2004 Fantasy - Timeless shop exchanging skills
Other Entries: Earlier, 2000 / 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015

Copyright : Roderick Alasdair Cameron 2001 - 2012         

Copyright : Roderick Alasdair Cameron 2001 - 2015         

Copyright : Roderick Alasdair Cameron 2001 - 2015